My first day at pips:lab
well, first we had a meeting and a huge amount of coffee. Then I helped Daan in processing images for a flipbook animation.
Nice day and I'm curious what comes next.
this is me in the train to amsterdam, though i will delete this picture probably later because it's kind of ... i don't know .. it's too.. possibly. maybe. we do not know. oh yes, now i deleted it. instead, i posted a picture of me running to be in time this morning
in the first picture you see the "one" that I created to symbolize the first day. i will assamble a number everyday.
here we have the newest equipment, just arrived and still smelling like fresh out of the box — maybe because it is.
that's everything for now.. aaarh...
And of course, I finished this blog today. But i decided to allow myself to delay onlinification for another two days or so.
My second day at pips:lab
I didn't shoot pictures today
I didn't write anything about today
I didn't put on the blog online yet
I didn't assemble a "2" out of random things for my timeline
I just worked and ate peanut butter sandwiches.
for keez, here even more content:
I realize that I made the kitchen table my working space.
That is not as bad as it sounds, the coffeemachine is close and you get in conversations quite easily.
Today for example Steye asked me what I would like best to create someday.
It's a beautiful but tough question, and my answer was unfortunately not nearly as smart as the question. But maybe I am here to find out.
unexpected turns today! aaah... no time for the blog.
but maybe I put it online anyway. you will see.
all-right. content.
Keez is close to getting a real baby soon.
This is of course great in general, but unfortunately cancelled a presentation in Groningen, what gives me some time to put some content here until I refill my coffee
and go to work again.
For these who wonder, I'm motiontracking some objects from a short movie that keez shot.
As I understand it, he wants to build an instrument of it.
I played the prototype already, and it's a nice one. You'll love it.
Oh, but another thing that happened today was how i already mentioned that the pips:lab-talk was cancelled.
This here documents the moment when Thijs and Fred are discussing what to perform without Keez,
what concluded in concluding nothing at all but solve their very own coffee issue
aah... possibly it was more exiting when it actually happened. Sorry for that.
I was little bit too early today.
Due to the quite scary defense system, I didn't even think of breaking in.
Fred working on the website. Nice, right? Nice.
Daan working on his piece.
It's about socks, and love and should be able to achieve worldpeace in a yet classified amount of time.
Today the guys had a meeting considering sudan and I decided to check out the house instead.
There where some nice things I discovered.
- An semi-empty room
- A laserword (or lightsabor as Thijs corrected me rightly)
These discoveries you can discover for yourself here:
and here:
Afterwards I made a plan with Fred to work on building two new clipfangers next week.
I'm quite excited about this and hope I can be useful here, and if not learn something.
Thijs let it made especially for me, and I feel honoured and very good.
Like any good key it gives access to something. For example, it opens the main door of pipslab.
But that's not everything. It can also open a kiwi.
Monday was nice!
I don't actually remember what I did,
but I'm sure it was useful and very diligently done.
For sure, I tested the keys' openability on various objects.
I didn't dare to test the balloon, so I don't have a clear result here, but I guess it works.
Btw, it's hard to control this one, isn't it?
Hope & future of Hollywood and our proud neighbours.
Today I helped Fred cleaning the room and setting up a workspace.
Which workspace? My workspace.
Wonderful.", is what Daan says
I got a set of employees today.
And again:
I placed a coin in the bottom right hook as a reference for size.
I got the job to maintain/redo the pips:lab website.
And I finished the motion tracking for keez' new instrument today.
I forgot my camera at the laboratory in Amsterdam.
This was very nice, 'cause now I feel like a part of me still is there,
while I am travelling around the whole country.
During waiting time I made some pictograms for the website
Also a sketch for the future-construction of the website navigation.
today I mainly updated the blog and hanged around in the kitchen, drinking coffee and eating cheese baguette.
Spokhuis! Angst! Bang zijn! Vergadering! Theremin! Steye! Thor! Sebas! Jochen! Jakob! Verzekeringskantoor! Building! Experiment! Sound! Mirror! Mocap! Coffee! Table! Scharrel-Ei! Cigarettes! Apples! iPad! iPad! iPad! Money! Copyright! Pipslab!
And the next day of spookhuis development. I finally brought my theremin today from The Hague.
Then Fred told me that it's not actually a theremin and of course he is right. It is a capacity sensitive device, if it's properly calibrated it can be used as a theremin.
There is so much to learn and do! I have to rebuild it, make it better.
But Fred also said something else very inspiring. Maybe I do not need to build the "theremin" at all. For the spookhuis at least. He asked me what experience I want the visitor to have. Depending on the experience, it might be created easier, more powerful and more reliable on a different manner.
So.. what experience do I want the user to have, and why can't I do it with a distance meter. Ah! I guess I have to analyze everything from scratch before my head gets stuck in unnecessary work.
Thijs experimenting with building of new lightsources
Wow, these guys Pips:lab is working with for that installation (spookhuis) they were early at the laboratory before I came.
It's really nice to see how they work. They're quick. And they talk a lot about their ideas. And though I'm mostly sitting there quietly, the thinking system of my brain gains momentum and works and works and works.
Today I played around with the pseudo-theremin. I thought of a way of using it without a laptop, but still be able to beam out video.
Conclusion? Interesting possibilities but waaaaaayyy too complex and probably not worth the effort; I will just use a laptop I guess.
Then I thought of Freds words from yesterday.. I made the decision on making a distance meter, too.
Playing around with the capacitive sensitive device is fun, but maybe a distance meter fits the job better and is easier to set up properly.
Oh, and Steye proposed us to make a personality test today. Interesting. I seem to be an introverted intuitive thinking perceiving architect. Just like Beethoven. Steye said, that just knowing about the personalities from your comrades makes it way easier to work together.
And he told me that he actually reads my blog. haha. Great. Hi Steye. :)
Klaus & Rutger bij het stinken
Uuuh... if you solder like this you get loose connections easily.
Today Yorick gave a workshop in telling frightening stories.
I really really enjoyed it, it was nice to do something else, to clear the head and not think so much. Or at least don't get stuck in thinking — but spontaniously explode in thoughts.
In the beginning it was kind of hard to get free in expressing yourself and turn off the self-censoring filter.
I learned a lot today and had great fun.
Today was theremin-day.
I bought the parts to build my second theremin, make it better with some advice Fred gave me.
Also my brother had some smart remarks. So... only problem was that I bought one part that was slightly off scale... aah... just 10000x stronger than I needed it. Damnit!
It's funny how quickly you can fool yourself with the units in that scale when you do electronics without being an expert. haha.
So... after checking some old videocards etc for the right capacitor... I built it except for this part, and made sure that my first theremin worked fine.
Why does the first theremin have to work nicely? Because Pawel, my nice teacher asked me to infuse the KABK Open Day with my theremin installation.
So that's why. I'm quite anxious about it, because I broke it just in time to be able to get anxious about fixing it until tomorrow. Uh.
It snew today!!! crazy!
More later.
Oh wait.. no it's going to snow tomorrow.
More later anyway.
So, I was corrected. "snew" is not the correct way to pastify "snow".
Anyway, It did not snow today at all.. but it will snow tomorrow.
What did I do today?
At pips:lab was again a meeting of some spookhuis people to discuss how the house should be built. Interesting, and exciting. How is it going to look like? We will know.
Then, I did work on the website... wordpress etc.. and I came to the conclusion that I don't really enjoy wordpress.
Today snow was actually lying around.
Also, the last day of january, so he made it at last. January, good job. Only complaint: amazingly cold.
Today I was at fablab to mill the new menue.
And.... it did not work out. The milling machine couldn't do metal, and so I was biking around for a milling head,
but I couldn't find one anywhere in the size I need it. So it's going to be find-a-solution-time again! (followed by a silent) yeeeeaaaaah.
Also, 104 is the number of the day.
Today I saw the new intern. She's nice, and capable of a lot as it seems, so it's going to be interesting.
There was a lot of, "what are your plans", "what do you want to do", "what do you WANT to do" and yeah, probably also "who are you".
I mean, what is questioning. Questioning testing the system of a person, how he works. You try to ask questions that
And I did work on the navigation of the new website.
Thijs had a birthday today!
G e f e l i c i t e e r d !
I drank milk out of already used straw.
Another thing: Daan gave me a reeeaaally nice introduction into audio mixing with logic.
Another thing: I enjoyed hammering.
Another thing: My second theremin is aaaalmost finished.
Another thing: the wordpress website is going forward.
Another thing: Theez will be in Sudan next week.
the outcomst of my hammering
here you can see that i tried to write on it with a drill
my second theremin-like device on the left. much more compact and more nicely soldered
as you can see here
it is possible to plug it directly to the arduino — wow!
now it just misses the antenna.
Snowball fighting and I tried to fix camera-beamer-laptop communication for Thijs.
i decided to let the tram do the hammering. action.
conclusion, quite nice and straight but i was stronger.
experiments with led.
a forgotten glove.
this bike makes me jealous.
keez and thijs building a car-look-a-like snowsculpture.
and these is the average print of my right foot when i walk back.
Work on website.
yeah, the remin has an antenna. but doesn't work that nice.. uh..
more experiments with led.
work on theremin II.
Pictures soon.
Fred gave a Workshop about Motion Capturing.
Really really really interesting.
Then he gave me some nice critique one my website design.
A lot of work work work!!
Pictures soon.
Today a man told me that "Allah is boven" "Allah bnlblblanl..snlnjl Allah" "Allah gaat helpen" etc etc and more
I'm was not sure what he meant. Who is Allah going to help, how is he going to do that?
Did he already start helping, or will he begin tomorrow or later that afternoon? Maybe next week?
Stije could use a hand next week with building the spookhuis.
I asked him about that, because he seemed to offer himself to me as an expert. But after a while where he persistantly didn't understand what I said, he obviously preferred to talk to the invisible man several meters to my right.
I was never that importunated & ignored at the same time. You know these people who hold their mobile phone attached to the ear, but actually loudly talk to themselves? I felt like one of these phones. strange. Probably no help from above this time.
fred making a video switching device
Today was again the last day of the week.
I made a video today, will try to put it on here soon, so that you guys (haha, or me, haha) can watch it on here.
I was kind of afraid of today, because there where so many tasks in my head that I wanted to finish. Actually I didn't, but I came waaaay closer to having the buttons made for the ultimate website. ha! By doing so, I did some ery very stupid mistakes. I will document them here, so that you can possibly learn from this experience. So, this is what happened:
I had the first button almost complete, everything worked fine, I just didn't have enough patience to finish it nicely. So... I began from scratch and used a different machine, material and technique. The result was, that I was sumbling around for 4(!!!!) hours without result. Stupid, right? If I would've just used same machine, material and technique as before and added just a little amount of patience I probably would be finished by now. Stupid! Aaaaah... ! I should've known better.. Jakob, jakob.
Anyway, I drummed a little bit today, that was nice. I realized that I have completely no talent for this. I enjoyed this freedom for a while. Ha, I also sang a little bit. Reminds me, that I plan to record a tiny song that swims around in my head nowadays. This is no promise.
Oh, and I starved!! But then Daan came. Instead of the tips of his hair he brought food. Sushi, Peanut butter bread & even a bounty drink. Best thing about this? He shared with me. Wow. He's gone for a while to Sudan, so I'd better not forget to bring food next week, otherwise there might be no one to surprisingly nutritionize me like a patron of the feeding.
What else? ermh... today was nice. Now I'm riding home. Again, hunger drives. And he drives fast and eagerly, because the train takes double the time it uses to normally.
working on the blog
this is me working on a sketch for the spoohkuis logo
The spoohkuis-logo. Well, I have no idea if it will be used or not,
because someone else worked parallely on the same task as well as I figured today. Maybe because my first sketches were rap :D But they were crap with style and crap with love. Crap with ♥, as I believe. Anyway. So, that was a little bit of what I did today.
The rest of the day I spent ironing letters on metal and thinking about dinner, and how I will enjoy eating it.. aaahh... but luckily Loes allowed me to have a bite of her bread, and yes, I brought a little soup and a yoghurt.
The new Clipfanger is going to be aweesome I suppose. Fred & Semma are buildin g it. Looking great, a big, huge robot. I would like to add disk saws to it's arms.. hmm...
And I wonder... how is our crew in Sudan doing?
building the clipfanger
Woodworking today for the spkhs. Was quite fun to work that much with your hands. Felt very masculine. There were some waiting times, but all in all I think I had a nice teamwork going with Thor.
these were people working at pips:lab today
More wooden walls for the spookuis. Woodworking is fun, but also exhausting. Makes your head feel like cheese after a while. You know, that sticky bit of cheese that dropped on a carpet, still warm, melting and useless. Kind of.
Today Gijsbert Dijker came, the internship-coordinator from my Academy. For this event I cleaned up the room I work in most of the time. So that Gijsbert wouldn't be too badly slapped in the face by chaos. I know that the studios he commonly visits are cllleeeeaaaan and tiiiiiddyyy. Well, we don't want that here. But hovering a bit felt okay. Anywau, he said he was excited by the place and wants to send more interns to here in the future. But they should have the qualifications I have. Haha, nice to hear, I was doubting myself lately a bit 'caused by slowness and latencies. Uh.... This is also why I decided to work one day less per week at sorting post. But yeah.. seems they don't regret having me anyway. :) wheew. Even though it feels slightly uncomfortable at the time I get compliments, it does feel good in the end, right? So, put on the happy smiley face jakob.
Then yeah, some difficulties for the HK plans, but what would be a life without obstacles?
computer computer computer. design design design. spoohkuis frascati spoohkuis frascati. sebas thor stije keez THIJS (freshly back from Sudan, Welcome back!). Furthermore I finally attached the labels to the pips:lab blog. Yeah! Feels good to have something done.
Oh, oh oh! The spoohkuis-sceleton is built! Impressive! It's a-maze-ing. It's walls morph confusingly awesome. I lost orientation quite quickly in there, yes, that was definitely a highlight.
the new monitor
import processing.opengl.*;
import glitchP5.*; // import GlitchP5
import processing.xml.*; //vct grph
import geomerative.*; // vct grph
import gifAnimation.*;
PImage[] animation;
Gif loopingGif;
Gif nonLoopingGif;
boolean pause = false;
float r;
float or;
float ir;
RShape shp;
RShape polyshp;
RShape shp_shp;
RShape polyshp_shp;
float randomizer;
int glitchfactor; // we want less glitching with image and more glitching with lines
PImage bg;
int a;
GlitchP5 glitchP5; // declare an instance of GlitchP5. only one is needed
// RotatingCubes rotatingCubes = new RotatingCubes();
//PFont font = createFont("Sans Serif", 20);
//FasterMovie fm;
//PImage mImage;
//import processing.video.*;
//Movie myMovie;
void setup()
// create the GifAnimation object for playback
loopingGif = new Gif(this, "mosh3_k.gif");
pause = true;
// animation = Gif.getPImages(this, "mosh_ani.gif");
size(1024, 768, OPENGL);
glitchP5 = new GlitchP5(this); // initiate the glitchP5 instance;
// textFont(font);
// VERY IMPORTANT: Allways initialize the library before using it
// shp = RG.loadShape("spookhuis.svg");
shp_shp = RG.loadShape("spookhuis_shp.svg");
// fm = new FasterMovie(this, "masker_mosh_2.mov", false);
// fm.loop();
// // Load and play the video in a loop
// myMovie = new Movie(this, "masker_mosh_2.mov");
// myMovie.loop();
// /* USUAL MOVIE */
//void movieEvent(Movie myMovie) {
// myMovie.read();
void draw()
randomizer = random(1024);
if (randomizer < mouseX) {
pause = false;
image(loopingGif, 0, 0, 1024, 768);
glitchfactor = 1;
} else {
glitchfactor = mouseX/100;
// loopingGif.stop();
// pause = true;
// image(animation[(int) (animation.length / (float) (width) * mouseX)], 1024, 768);
// if ( mImage != null ) image( mImage, 0,0);
// /* USUAL MOVIE */
// tint(255, 20);
// image(myMovie, 0, 0);
// rotatingCubes.draw();
// fill(200,100);
// text("click to glitch", 10, 30);
// text("framerate: "+frameRate, 10, height-10);
// or = random(2);
// r = random(2);
// creates -1;0;1 and multipies with random floating number between 0 & 30
ir = (int(random(2))-0.5)*random(mouseX/20);
// background(videofreq*r,0.1); //lasereye
// polyshp = RG.polygonize(shp);
polyshp_shp = RG.polygonize(shp_shp);
// We draw the polygonized group with the SVG styles
// stroke(255,255,255);
// RPoint[] pnts = shp.getPoints();
RPoint[] pnts_shp = shp_shp.getPoints();
for ( int i = 1; i < pnts_shp.length; i++ )
line( pnts_shp[i-1].x+ir, pnts_shp[i-1].y-(ir*random(2)), pnts_shp[i].x+ir, pnts_shp[i].y-ir );
glitchP5.run(); // this needs to be at the end of draw(). anything after it will not be drawn to the screen
glitchP5.glitch(0, 0, 200, 400, 2048, 1440, 1, 1.0f, 10, glitchfactor);
//void movieImageAvailable ( PImage _movieImage )
// mImage = _movieImage;
//void mousePressed()
// // trigger a glitch: glitchP5.glitch( posX, //
// // posY, // position on screen(int)
// // posJitterX, //
// // posJitterY, // max. position offset(int)
// // sizeX, //
// // sizeY, // size (int)
// // numberOfGlitches, // number of individual glitches (int)
// // randomness, // this is a jitter for size (float)
// // attack, // max time (in frames) until indiv. glitch appears (int)
// // sustain // max time until it dies off after appearing (int)
// // );
// glitchP5.glitch(0, 0, 200, 400, 1200, 1200, 1, 1.0f, 10, 40);
Do you know this feeling; that several minutes or maybe seconds after you talked to someone you realized that there would've been some funny or utterly intelligent remarks you could've made. But now it's too late. D O N T P A N I C Just start a blog, man. Everything will be fine you write down whatever you wanted to say whenever you're ready for it. You can even write it a week later but date it backwards. It would seem as if you would be crazily quick in your head. Though, you're not. This is a very very nice evolution of expression. Not only for yourself but also for other, who might never have heard or read these inspiring remarks you are now able to give to the world. So, a blog is not only a way to express yourself in a hip medium, it is a second chance for stillborn ideas. It's like going to a graveyard, digging out a dead body and blow life back into its lungs. And then, I don't know.. date it. Or aah.. hit it, start a fight with it. Or sit next to it in the train without looking at each other for an hour and a half. Then, when it farts, pretend that you don't smell it. Everything is possible if you only have a blog.
What did I do on tuesday. Tough tough question. To be honest. I forgot.
I forget things all the time. Seriously, no big deal. "click" and gone. Its that easy.
The 29th of february was the day when I realized the meaning of graphic design. And with realizing I don't mean that I understood what it is. I rather made it real. I created it. Then I put it on the shelve above my desk from where it kept on staring at me with its restless daunting eyes ever since. I think I will cover it with a blanket by tomorrow.
I covered the meaning of graphic design with a blanket. Feels much better now, though it is first of march.
Thusly the last month as a pipser officially begun. Makes me sad.
the new monitor
did I show i already? not sure... it's 3D, people. It is 3D. I watched a snowboardvideo on it again. And then Dinosaurs.
Uh, tomorrow is my last day!
So, I am now in the Utrecht Fablab, and hope to be finished here soon.
I am making some letters, and shapes and arms including hands with a pointing finger.
Excited! Oh yeah!
Yes, I did skip blogging some days during the last month. I was soooooo busy aaah... okay I'm honest. I did not want to! Yeah, I said it officially, I was lazy and enjoyed laying around in the sun and stirring up my coffee with a light sabor more than writing this glorious blog. Shame on me! But I promise. One day.. I will fill in all photos and videos I did during the last weeks, and write all the exciting stories I may have or may have not experienced here. I will. One day. Right after cleaning up my desk.
But seriously, here some impressions:
so this is the last day then.
it is baked with blood, sweat, tears and of course apples.
loading the content .. just a second, maybe two